We regularly evaluate all aspects of our program and strive for continuous quality enhancement to provide an optimal child care experience for our families, the staff and the community. Parents, staff, school age children and community partners will have informal and formal opportunities to provide feedback on their experiences in our center.  Feedback and suggestions will be encouraged through our open-door policy, suggestion box, questionnaires and staff & family surveys. Staff will have opportunities for feedback and input at monthly staff meetings. All feedback will be valued and taken into consideration for making changes to our program, practices and policies. A formal review of the program will be conducted annually to enable the centre to get feedback from parents & staff about what we’re doing well and areas for growth.  The review will involve the participation of families, school age children and the staff and periodically an external evaluation may be conducted. Goals and action plans will be developed in response to the outcome of the review to ensure that we are meeting the needs of the families and the staff. We will participate in the accreditation review process with the goal of being accredited within the first year of operation.

We are committed to supporting the staff with professional growth.  All staff are required to participate in professional development annually.  Information will be provided to the staff about courses, conferences and workshops.  The Center will support the staff’s participation in professional growth through flexible work schedules, by planning their participation in on or off-site workshops and helping staff access funding when eligible.

If any concerns arise from regular Child Care Licensing and Alberta Health Services inspections, they will be rectified immediately.

A record of any critical incidents will be maintained according to the requirements outlined in the Child Care Licensing Regulations.  Any incidents that may have occurred will be discussed at a staff meeting with the intent of analyzing the incident to determine if changes can be made to enhance the safety and well-being of the children.  Incidents that have occurred at the center will be reviewed annually and on the anniversary month of our license and the centre will make a report to the regional child care office using the prescribed form on the Human Services website intended for this purpose.  (Incident Reporting Policy)

Original effective date:  March 2018